Yoni Steaming Guide

Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, v-steaming, and pelvic steaming, is a practice that spans space and time. The tradition of sitting over warm water infused with herbs can be found on almost every continent and is considered an important part of womb care, especially in the postpartum period. The benefits are endless, including:

  • reduced menstrual cramping

  • reduced PMS symptoms

  • regulating cycle length and bleeding

  • improving menstrual flow

  • supporting postpartum healing

  • releasing trauma stored in the womb space

  • releasing old blood from the womb

  • supporting a healthy vaginal microbiome

  • softening scar tissue

  • reducing or eliminating fibroids

  • easing constipation

  • healing hemorrhoids

  • preventing recurring infections

  • encouraging connection to womb space and intuition

The last one is, I think, maybe the most important. Many of us women, myself among them, spend the better part of our lives completely disconnected from this part of our body that houses our intuition and creativity because of outdated puritanical influences on our culture that programmed us to believe our reproductive organs are shameful. It can feel really difficult to connect to the womb space at first, but having access to this channel is so incredibly valuable and wort the effort. And yoni steaming is a wonderful way to facilitate this connection.

It can seem intimidating at first, and a bit foreign, but once you get the hang of it, yoni steaming is actually very simple and is a beautifully supportive and relaxing practice. I’m going to lay out the step-by-step for you so you can feel prepared to get started on your own! Please note this is just how I do it. There are many variations and you can do whatever feels right for you and works for your life. I recommend reading this guide to the end before getting started.

1.Gather your materials:

  • a non toxic pot

  • clean water

  • herbs

  • a blanket or sheet big enough to wrap around your waist

  • a towel

  • Optional:

    • a yoni steam stool like this one or camping toilet like this one

    • hot plate or crock pot

2. Fill your pot with about 6-8 cups of water. Bring to a boil on the stove. Add 1/4 cup dried herbs or 1 cup fresh herbs. Reduce to a simmer and cover for 10-15 minutes. The longer you simmer them, the stronger your steam will be, just like a tea. Remove from heat and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

  • Some women boil water in a kettle and pour it over the herbs in the pot and let it sit covered for about 5 minutes. This will be a gentler steam experience.

  • While you’re adding your herbs, it’s a great opportunity to add a little intention into the water. Water is an amazing medium for holding vibrations, so you can speak or simply think your intentions into the water and it will hold them. You can even just infuse the water with gratitude toward yourself for taking the time for this nourishing practice :)

3. While you’re waiting, get set up. This where you have a lot of options. You can:

  • place 2 cushions on the floor for your knees with the pot in between them, and then lean forward in a child’s pose position

  • place 2 cushions on the floor for your knees with the pot in between them and a chair or couch in front of you to lean on

  • place two chairs facing each other and sit with one thigh on each chair and the pot underneath

  • place the pot in the toilet bowl

  • use a steaming stool or camping toilet

  • Get creative and do something else that works for you! You just need to get your vaginal opening above a pot of water, at least 10-12 inches away from the pot.

    • I highly recommend testing your set up while your pot it is empty and cool so you can make sure you won’t burn yourself! This is an especially important for thick-thighed women like myself ;)

For all of the option except the toilet, place a towel on the floor under the pot. You can use a hot plate or crock pot for a longer and more intense steam.

4. When your pot is ready, position yourself above it and wrap your blanket around your waist to trap the steam. Wear socks and a sweater, you want to be warm! Open the lid a bit to check the temperature of the steam before removing it completely. You want it to be comfortably warm, not scalding hot. Relax for 10-20 minutes. You can sip tea, journal, pull a tarot card, meditate with a crystal, listen to music, whatever you want, this is YOUR time.


Can I steam while I’m pregnant?

The general consensus is to wait until the very end of pregnancy to steam, around the 38 week mark. I steamed when I was 39 weeks pregnant with my son and went into labor the next morning! But most women avoid steaming during most of pregnancy, especially the early weeks and most especially if you have a history of pregnancy loss and want to stay pregnant,

When can I start steaming after giving birth?

Once your bleeding slows, usually 3 or 4 days. It is recommended to steam for 15-20 minutes for 30 consecutive days after giving birth.

That’s pretty much it! Again, there are many variations and you can get creative! Remember, women have been doing this forever, so you don’t need to over-complicate it.

Please reach out if you have questions or still feel overwhelmed. I


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