Sovereign Birth Mentorship


Have you dreamed of birthing on your own terms, in your strength, in your power, in the peace and privacy of your own home? Do you feel this is out of reach for you? That you’re not strong or brave or wild or young or whatever enough to have this experience? Are you curious about free birth, but uncertain if it’s for you? If so, i would be honored to support you on this liberating journey.

The idea of undisturbed birth can sound completely terrifying when you first hear about it, especially if all you have ever been exposed to is hospital birth, which is the case for the vast majority of us. I myself thought there was no way a free birth was for me. By the end of my pregnancy, I knew it was the only way.

If you are curious about whether the birth experience of your dreams is a possibility for you, this session is for you. If you’ve left an OB visit thinking “there has to be another way,” I’m here to tell you- there absolutely is.

The unfortunate truth is that TV and media have led us to believe that birthing in hospitals or birth centers under the care of medical providers is the only option for us. This makes sense when you think about how many people and businesses (hospitals are businesses) profit from this belief. It can be very daunting to lift this veil and start to critically think about your options for your birth experience. And once you do, you may find you need support from a mentor who understands and is very familiar with the terrain of undisturbed birth. You may also find that you have fears you need to work through, or blocks, or questions.

This is where I come in.

Supporting women on the path to sovereignty is my passion in this life. This can look many different ways- for some it’s nutrition, for some it’s hormonal health, for others it’s creating the possibility of a powerful and autonomous birth. My own path to freebirth with my son led me to want to share this wisdom with more women, and to show them what is possible when we do the work and reclaim our power from broken and archaic systems that exploit us for profit.

These sessions look different for every woman, because every woman has different fears and blocks she needs to work through in order to create the possibility for the birth she desires. I am here to meet your needs and reflect back to you any patterns or fears I notice and then help you work through them. Some women just need to talk through the logistics of free birth, which can easily be achieved in a 90 minute session. Other women need to address their people-pleasing patterns. Others may need tools to communicate with an unsupportive partner. Each session is tailored to your specific needs.

Schedule your free clarity call today to begin your path to reclaiming your birth experience!

You can book your 90 minute session here after purchasing.

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Have you dreamed of birthing on your own terms, in your strength, in your power, in the peace and privacy of your own home? Do you feel this is out of reach for you? That you’re not strong or brave or wild or young or whatever enough to have this experience? Are you curious about free birth, but uncertain if it’s for you? If so, i would be honored to support you on this liberating journey.

The idea of undisturbed birth can sound completely terrifying when you first hear about it, especially if all you have ever been exposed to is hospital birth, which is the case for the vast majority of us. I myself thought there was no way a free birth was for me. By the end of my pregnancy, I knew it was the only way.

If you are curious about whether the birth experience of your dreams is a possibility for you, this session is for you. If you’ve left an OB visit thinking “there has to be another way,” I’m here to tell you- there absolutely is.

The unfortunate truth is that TV and media have led us to believe that birthing in hospitals or birth centers under the care of medical providers is the only option for us. This makes sense when you think about how many people and businesses (hospitals are businesses) profit from this belief. It can be very daunting to lift this veil and start to critically think about your options for your birth experience. And once you do, you may find you need support from a mentor who understands and is very familiar with the terrain of undisturbed birth. You may also find that you have fears you need to work through, or blocks, or questions.

This is where I come in.

Supporting women on the path to sovereignty is my passion in this life. This can look many different ways- for some it’s nutrition, for some it’s hormonal health, for others it’s creating the possibility of a powerful and autonomous birth. My own path to freebirth with my son led me to want to share this wisdom with more women, and to show them what is possible when we do the work and reclaim our power from broken and archaic systems that exploit us for profit.

These sessions look different for every woman, because every woman has different fears and blocks she needs to work through in order to create the possibility for the birth she desires. I am here to meet your needs and reflect back to you any patterns or fears I notice and then help you work through them. Some women just need to talk through the logistics of free birth, which can easily be achieved in a 90 minute session. Other women need to address their people-pleasing patterns. Others may need tools to communicate with an unsupportive partner. Each session is tailored to your specific needs.

Schedule your free clarity call today to begin your path to reclaiming your birth experience!

You can book your 90 minute session here after purchasing.